Sunday 21 February 2010

Feeding the animals

Here is me trying to be a bit helpful in this harsh environment for all the poor animals. The birds especially finds it difficult to find food so me and Mina made these apples to hang up in the trees.
Lucky the banks of snow were so high we could reach up.

Saturday 20 February 2010

That's what I call a snow storm!

I called up and canceled my massage shift in Smögen, no way am I driving right out to the coast on those small windy roads, not even with our Volvo 745 estate!
Its lovely we've had snow since 16th of December, over 2 month, and I'm loving it! And the funny thing is, Paul is starting to see where I was coming from all these years back in England when I've been talking about needing to have PROPER gear.
(he loves his proper goretex boots btw)
Last time I saw anything like this was back in 2006 when I was snowed in in Gothenburg
Finally reached the shops
This is what two month of snow will do to your car
Wait for the plough! There is no point trying to master this amount of snow, not even in a Volvo. Told you so. See now you're stuck. (Not the only one in the car park but by far the most stubborn one and I have been keeping an eye on hoping he was gonna give up before he blocked the road).

Much nicer staying in snuggling up with a warm, soft bony cat and a bottle of välling (even if it's drunk cold)

Monday 15 February 2010

Vollyboll hurts

After 15 years I returned to my old gymnasium to see if I still had it in me. Well I was shocked that they were still playing in the same place as I used to over a decay ago. But things had changed and it wasn't the popular sport it used to be, the current team didn't even have a coach and was struggling to get enough player to attend the matches.
A picture of my brused arm the day after, and I was wearing a long sleeve top! Dont remember it hurting so badly.

Sunday 14 February 2010

My romantic husband

Breakfast in bed. I do have the most romantic husband and I love him so much.