Saturday 31 December 2011

2nd post New Years Eve - What a night

I’ve got this strange feeling that I no longer know my baby, she is not behaving in her usual way. Saying that she is only just over 5 weeks so I cant say that I know her very well at all. She wouldnt settle at all - about two hours kip. Saying that on the bright side I found a very useful and portable rocking device - my older daughters skipping rope. Saved me leaving the bedroom and going downstairs to use the threshold.

My new year promise

It was a long time since I last posted anything on here. Well just under a year to be exact. But now the last day of 2011 there is a lot that I want to share. Not only have I gone and done it again, I am now a mother of two!!

Little did I know that it was gonna be just as hard the second time around. Dealing with a over excited 4 year old who is getting less attention than she is used to and dealing with a screaming baby could drive anyone crazy. How do you stay sane in this chaos. There are things everywhere, and all I do is tidying and washing. Apart from when I am breast feeding and changing nappies or rocking the push chair.I need sleep, stronger painkillers and dry/clean clothes. Well there are different hurdles second time around but who was I kidding when I thought it was gonna be easy.

I am now making it one of my promises for 2012, to write on here regularly. That is because I need to write down my feelings and ideas in order to stop being stuck in this loop of writing lists of things I want to do, everything from baby-mother survival kits to just opening my heart and cry out how very difficult it is to be a good mum.

So during the coming year I would like to share some of my deepest thoughts about motherhood and on how to survive the first year. I want to share tips on how to look good without getting no sleep and not having time to spend 1 hour in front of the mirror, healthy smoothy recipes, non chemical baby wipes and lots more.

Of course there is gonna be a lot of typical mum posts of the children but also some of my favorite mum blogs (and also some links to other sites that influences me).

Vicky Lovine - The best friends guide to surviving the first year of motherhood. I am really gonna try and find some time to finish this hilarious but very useful book this time.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy 2011!

We took a chance (or I should say our friends did) after Mina had been sick through the night and morning but we are buggered if we are missing out on another new years eve! Those were the thoughts that ran through my mind on new years eve. This would have been the second year in a row we would have had to cancel new years eve because of a stomach bug. In all honesty I do not remember the last time we celebrated new year outside our flat or at least with friends. Of corse after 25 its not all that hanging in a bar / club at midnight, having to fight to get a taxi home or getting into a fight in the take out que. Its been quite nice and cosy being at home, just the two of us (and in later years, the 3 of us) but now it was defiantly time for some good old partying!

Late as usual we set of to Gothenburg with a car packed to the sealing and me in the back seat, just in case Mina was going to be sick and we would have had to turn around. But luckily that didnt happen.
We got to Catrin and Marcus with 30 min to spare before the GP firework display started - it was really pretty and set the sceen perfectly, even tho it was only 5pm (despite that the kids wanted to go home and I spend most of the show hunched down writing names in the air with sparklers). This was defiantly the hangout for parents with kids under 5.

Well back at the flat we had an awesome 3 course dinner and the kids truly enjoyed their sausage-meatballs-cheese skewers served with chips. With a little break between main course and dessert the little ones collapsed into bed - a bit later than usually so hopefully they will all sleep in tomorrow....yeah right.

With plenty of wine, liqueur and whiskey from a distiller Catrin and Marcus had visited in Scotland earlier that year we continued the evening with a game playing embarrassing tunes on Spotify.
We entered 2011 in true style with a bottle of Moet & Chandon and promises of doing a trip to Copenhagen in Spring.
A truly fantastic new years eve and an awesome beginning on 2011!

Of corse the kids didnt sleep in and I had for once forgotten about the day after so the morning was pretty tough but Catrin took first watch over the children and then laid on a fantastic breakfast which did made me see through the first part of the day. Then, there is nothing a dirty Mc Feast meal cant cure ; )

Lets say, I am not starting my 2011 until the 2nd January.