Thursday 30 April 2009

Still reading the Sunday paper

You can never just sit down and finish a task when you've got a toddler running around in the house. Let alone such an luxurious thing as reading the paper. So I will rant on about last weeks topics as I slowly finish each section of the paper, it usually takes me until the end of the week. I read an interesting article about open air nurseries, to me not anything new, as these nurseries are inspired by principles used in Scandinavia where we have a fresh-air education and the children learn by exploring the world around them. But unfortunately not everyone can fit their children into the only London based Chelsea nursery.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Big fat mama - shame on you!

Maybe there really should be a test, that you have to pass of course, before being allowed to have children. Just look at the link below and you might agree. Its just not fare, these poor kids future is already ruined (if someone doesn't give mama a big slap). And what is it that is so difficult about open a jar of baby food??? Junk food  
Even I converted to jared baby food eventually, after being a complete food snob and would rather skip a meal and stick to the breast if I couldn't find organic vegetables that I then stayed up all night cooking which Mina then didn't eat anyway. It didn't help attending a weaning session where baby jar food was compared with fast food. And that is so not true! For all your mothers who would like to keep a little of your sanity - jar food is absolutely fine, no other products are more researched and pure. And hey, they do organic ones too! 

Monday 27 April 2009

Bless you mummy

Not all days are a frustrating battle (and no days are without a big bunch of toddler love).
Today we're having a strictly staying-at-home-day. The weather is horrible, we're skint (cant wait for payday, well husbands payday actually), got a lovely leftover roast chicken in the fridge and my husband did all the washing-up last night so I have only minor house cores.
Mina is having a nap so I have forced myself to some ME time (reading the paper and blogging). I find it almost impossible to switch off, there is always something in the house that needs doing but at least I have my little helper. Mina has been charge of the laundry - filling up the washing machine, hanged up the washing and when folding clothes Mina matched the socks, bless her she is only 2. And when I sneezed she goes: Bless you mummy!
When she wakes up were going to bake a loaf of bread and have some more quality mummy-daughter-time.

Here is the result 


Saturday 25 April 2009

London public transport is not for us

It gets me soooo angry traveling on the under/overground with a push chair ( I cant imagine how the wheelchair users must be feeling).
Taking the overground train from Camden town is just a joke, they've all got fancy electric gates which could accommodate a double buggy but what's the point when you're then faced with about 40 steps and all strong males runs pass you!? I wont go on, just want to add that I was welcomed with another 25 steps at my end destination. After a quick pit stop I fought my way on to a packed bus and know I had to get off to face another battle of stairs at my next underground station. So here are some useful sites to keep those legs strong.

Thursday 23 April 2009

I need a day off to create this....

Mina is at nursery, first day back after Easter break. Phuw!
Some ME time. I therefore thought I spent today creating this 'crazy mum' blog. 
Somewhere where I can share my crazy thoughts and rant on about mother hood and the difficult task of getting your own life back.