Monday 27 April 2009

Bless you mummy

Not all days are a frustrating battle (and no days are without a big bunch of toddler love).
Today we're having a strictly staying-at-home-day. The weather is horrible, we're skint (cant wait for payday, well husbands payday actually), got a lovely leftover roast chicken in the fridge and my husband did all the washing-up last night so I have only minor house cores.
Mina is having a nap so I have forced myself to some ME time (reading the paper and blogging). I find it almost impossible to switch off, there is always something in the house that needs doing but at least I have my little helper. Mina has been charge of the laundry - filling up the washing machine, hanged up the washing and when folding clothes Mina matched the socks, bless her she is only 2. And when I sneezed she goes: Bless you mummy!
When she wakes up were going to bake a loaf of bread and have some more quality mummy-daughter-time.

Here is the result 


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