Thursday 18 June 2009

Summer holiday and potty training

So we've reached the potty training years. I was in no rush but after a friend came over and showed how it was done Mina was ever so keen to start. The potty had been part of the furniture's for a while and only sat upon occationally but now she ment business. It went extraordionary well and the following weekend she was almost dry, with only a few accidents, then it turned the other way. She stopped even being bother going. Now we're on the second attemt and it was going ok (using the new approach of just putting her on the potty without asking). Its now been two weeks and its still a round to the potty every 15 min (when she sits in the buggy she is dry for up to an hour). How long is this gonna go on for? I am going slightly crazy and its very difficult getting anything done, let alone leaving the house. Yesterday I had to do some arrends and put a nappy on so I didn't have to take her out and put her on the potty in the shop every 15 min. When we got back I took it off again. I don't know if this confused her but she must have wet 6 pants in under an hour so the nappy came back on. Today she is at nursery with no nappy and about 10 set of changes so we will se how it goes. I can just say, its nice to have a 'dry' day.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Good mums are no Sir Allan Sugar candidates

Being the best mum you can will only take you so far. How can you be a good mum when you cant even get a job for yourself.?
OK, we might be in a recession but lets face it, first time mothers, or should I say women in their 30's who have not been climbing the career ladder since graduation, have never been a hit on the job market.
What annoys me the most is that it seam to be impossible to even get a foot in the door, just the same old automated email response. Thank you for applying, we've had an overwhelming response but......unfortunately you've not been successful. WHY WHY WHY??? I have everything they've asked for - Am I too good?!
I never advertise that I have a small child as I know it will be looked upon as a risk rather than a strength and besides, this is illegal, to discriminate against women in a particular age 'baring' group but I know it still exists. Who will find out if your CV's don't even get to right desk.
However I think I am going to change my tactics. Pretending being 'old me' doesn't get me anywhere, you can probably read between the lines when looking at my employment history - from career hungry to part timer. Yeah it is definitely time to take a new approach.
After all who is not going to give it its all after being at home for 2 1/2 years....