Wednesday 3 June 2009

Good mums are no Sir Allan Sugar candidates

Being the best mum you can will only take you so far. How can you be a good mum when you cant even get a job for yourself.?
OK, we might be in a recession but lets face it, first time mothers, or should I say women in their 30's who have not been climbing the career ladder since graduation, have never been a hit on the job market.
What annoys me the most is that it seam to be impossible to even get a foot in the door, just the same old automated email response. Thank you for applying, we've had an overwhelming response but......unfortunately you've not been successful. WHY WHY WHY??? I have everything they've asked for - Am I too good?!
I never advertise that I have a small child as I know it will be looked upon as a risk rather than a strength and besides, this is illegal, to discriminate against women in a particular age 'baring' group but I know it still exists. Who will find out if your CV's don't even get to right desk.
However I think I am going to change my tactics. Pretending being 'old me' doesn't get me anywhere, you can probably read between the lines when looking at my employment history - from career hungry to part timer. Yeah it is definitely time to take a new approach.
After all who is not going to give it its all after being at home for 2 1/2 years....

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