Saturday 30 October 2010


A fantastic evening spent together with Minas favorite friend, Sally, Jossan and Andreas, Johan and Julie.

Thursday 21 October 2010

The first snow of the year

And the snow is here. his is early even for this part of Sweden. And not nice to drive in with summer tires!! We've been talking about changing to studded tires for days but just not got around to do it. The early snow is obviously causing some problems but at least the country doesn't come to a stand still. Mina has been to the doctor after having a reaction to the antibiotics she has been taking for her pneumonia. The doctor wasn't sure but it might even be chickenpox, poor little one, but I suppose its good to get it when you are little, apparently the younger you are the milder the symptoms.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Lilly's Birthday party

Minas best friend here in Sweden is also called Lilly, can be a bit confusing when we are talking about going to see Lilly.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Essential winter updates

If I had more money I would have liked to have done a proper wardrobe update but with a tight budget you can still do a few smart purches to transform your current wardrobe with some of the latest fashion accessories, or more importantly seasons must-haves that suits you. I didn't spend much on new clothes (a skirt, a dress and a shirt) I have some good outer wear from previous years that I still like and you can always make some good buys in the winter sale for boots and jackets and other expensive items.

What I did spend money on however was to get my old boots re-heeled, some buttons to mend a military jacket. The rest I spent on accessories and make up. This seasons nail vanish, new fish nets (that I wear all year round), a new foundation (from light to medium cover) and a good hand cream.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Proud winner of vision 2040

I have not been this excited in years, our team won the Uddevalla vision 2040. This could be the beginning of something good, maybe I could actually be part of changing Uddevalla to something better. Also well impressed with the chaos pilot that did a fantastic job getting all the contestants to achieve their very best. After an intensive day brainstorms and implementation my head was so mushed I couldn't even compose an email on the end of the first day. On day 2 me and Linda celebrated with a well deserved pint and talks about how to spend our 1000 kr prize money ; )

Thursday 7 October 2010

New hair do

Shall I go for a permed fringe?
Getting a bit bord now, have had the same haircut since before summer....

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Towel nappies

I was quite impressed when I saw the range in Ica Maxi.

And not to mention my homemade cupcake : )

Monday 4 October 2010

Kanelbullens dag

Like mother like daughter!