Thursday 16 February 2012

Fighting mastitis

* My getting-rid-of-mastitis-routine

1. Hot shower (after taking off cabbage leaf and untreated wool which I wore all night)
2. Wrap lots of untreated cotton wool around breast
3. Get dressed and add extra scarf
4. Walking around with heated rise pad on breast (cotton sock with rice-bang in mircrowave for one minute, heats last for ever)
5. Cup of special brew (red clover, nettle and cleavers)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Cleaning frenzy

* Nice walk to Nursery in lovely winter landscape

* Bloody mastitis!!!! One white cabbage please

* Me-time (Yoga) feeling so energized. Time to do the very overdue hovering and mopping the floor. Shuffling the drive and folding the laundry. Have to make sure its representable when mum (also technically our landlord) is coming over tomorrow.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Choking baby on Valentines day

*Breakfast in bed and lovely card 'I keep calm and love you'

* I just cant deal with breathing problems, Eliza was white as a sheet when I picked her up and of course I was straight on the phone to my health visitor - got me a doctors appointment to be on the safe side. Oxygen 97 % pulse 131 and temperature 37.3 Thank god she is alright! And Mina got to stay at nursery for an extra hour, sure she wasn't complaining ; )

* UN meeting and no time to prepare (too anxious) but it went well

* Think me, great grandma and mother could all do with some relaxing - goinig to suggest some sun therapy

Monday 13 February 2012

Best bus driver

* No car and having to get ready to catch the bus to get to the children's centre and we're early! Maybe this is the way to travel....such a nice driver who let us off opposite the centre (where there is absolutely no bus stop!) and helped us on too.

* Spent an hour in the village with two small children. Who would have thought - times fly and we had to run to catch the next bus.

Sunday 12 February 2012

A sunny afternoon

* What started off as a family outing ended up as a walk around the block. Still it was pretty amazing we got out at all in between breast feeding, nappy changing and working on the car (not me, Paul that is).

* Fika at the neighbors house and Eliza slept outside in the garden for the fist time. I'll swap her any time ; )

* Finally got our act together to rearrange upstairs, no where near finished but at least the sofas have been swapped around. Next stop second hand to find a lampshade and maybe some other bits for the downstairs lounge.

Saturday 11 February 2012

I cant stand this mess any longer!!!

* Must not fall back into old habits and let the house be the messiest house in the neighborhood and it doesnt help that the rubbish collection is every other week and our wheely bin is a size S....

* Wish I could remember the site of the woman who also wrote a book on the subject of how parents with young children have the messiest houses. I have so many pictures I could post on her blog.

Friday 10 February 2012

Energy = cleaning

* Children centre at our usual time - 12 noon, celebrating Isak 1 year, so muffins for everyone ; )

* One step closer to a finished bathroom now that all the clothes and cupboards has been organized

* Even managed to give the bathroom a quick wipe down - how I love disposable wipes!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Now you dont want to say grip up!

Top five regrets of the dying:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Taken from this Guardian Article, via Jay Parkinson.

Mini spa

* Early Valentines treat from hubby - kids are in bed and I'll have an evening all to my self (Paul is on baby duty). I've been banging on about how I want/need to treat myself once a week to stay sane. At least a soak in the bath or a facial or some meditation every week.

* Candlelit bathroom, even tea lights on the bath tray.

1. Taking it all in
2. Body scrub with gloves
3. Clay mask and breathing techniques
4. Wash of mask, turn the light on and reads kicks magazine cover to cover (grab what is easy to hands, time is pressures)

Next time I'll remember to bring some frozen cucumber eye pads and chill out music and I will be complete....

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Yoga and african dance

* Didnt make the dagis run today as I had to get ready for my UN meeting - how would I manage if Paul didnt work from home???

* Eliza's frist grab!!!

* New teats, I so should have bough one S and one M yesterday (it would have saved me one extra trip to the shop).

* Stopping off at Biltema to finally pick up a mirror. Now I can see the children in the back seat, ad I can with a clear consions listen to my podcasts while driving.

* Excellent yoga section. Drums to come....

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Expressing and bottle feeding success!

* No more cracked nipples we're off to buy new teats for the Medela bottles. Would so recommend this brand!

* Ooutch! Reminder from Medela breast pump hire, almost 700 kr. But it was worth every penny.

* New teats works a treat, Eliza took them on the fist go, she must have been hungry. She is now a bottlefeeding baby (starting to train for tomorrows session when I'm at yoga).

Monday 6 February 2012

Where does all the blood come from?

* The activities has started - gymnastics today

* That one nipple could bleed so much that after being sick 3 times there were pure blood coming up that is scary, very scary. So me and our neighbor spent 2 1/2 hours at the hospital while Paul stayed at home looking after Mina. The journey to the hospital was horrible but on the way back (when we knew with 99.9% certainty that the blood was caused by a cracked nipple we had a really nice catch up.

Sunday 5 February 2012

No more stripes please

* Productive day - finally finished painting the changing table. It didnt turn out like I saw it in my head but when does it ever....and finished the January section (almost) in my trend book and listened to several podcasts.

*Hotdogs out in the garden on the portable BBQ in -6° while admiring the logs piled up by house.

* The fire has been going all day. So nice to not to freeze your arse of upstairs!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Our fredagsmys always on a Saturday

* - Of course you can watch some telly!
No guilt today - swim school in the morning and neighbor coming over to play in the afternoon

* Catching up on the news - collecting cut outs from January newspaper (dagens industri) and lisened to a couple of podcasts too

* Looking forward to homemade chicken burgers with the family in front of 'Puss in boots'