Monday 30 April 2012

Walpurgis Eve

I love this bank holiday! Time to put all the winter gear away - spring is finally here.
Last year we didnt make it to the bonfire (it was peeing down) but this year the weather was perfect. There are two fires near by and I thought we'll go to the early one (and a bit more child friendly I think) and they were the only one who was offering hot dogs :-)

However, we did arrive an hour too early (I must have missred the poster and the by the time we got to the bonfire the hot dogs were finished) and were one of the last families to leave - so yes I think you could call it an successful eve.

Welcome Spring!

 Mina is having a rest after tipspromenaden
 The fire source were the torches were lit from
now we are ready to join the brigade and light the big bonfire
cant do without some traditional swedish folk musik
 lighting the bonfire
I think Paul is growing to like this holiday too ;-)
 and Eliza slept through the whole evening.

Thursday 26 April 2012


As number two you dont get hardly as many gifts as big sister did but you can still look cool in mums old flairs.

Dungarees age 36 - dam good quality!
or you can get styled by Mina

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Eating solid

Now she skipped the bland potato/sweetcorn bland food and went straight for the real stuff.

A satisfied Eliza after a beef-potato-veg jar (and some fruit puree for desert of course).

Present from Nanny and Ted

Saturday 21 April 2012

Swim school

Swim school is coming to an end, only 3 more times left and we were late as usual. Feel so bad and like a terrible mum as its effecting Mina not just me. I have to stop being such a time optimist!

Mina was showing Nanny how to get out of the water.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The cats are taking over

These cats must be the most spoiled cats in Sweden (and this isnt staged)!!

Friday 13 April 2012

Purple in 2007 and 2012

Mina top picture and Eliza bottom 

Thursday 12 April 2012

New alarm

Getting the new alarm installed. I had completely forgotten. So so lucky that I actually got out of my dressing gown before midday and I only just remembered when I saw the installation guy through the door. Got some additional features too, smoke alarm and a cool direct dial button to 112.

Eliza wears Minas protective hearing headphones while the different alarms goes off.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Baby Gym

Big sis is showing how its done ;-)

Saturday 7 April 2012

Happy Easter!

Never done an easter egg hunt in 10 cm of snow before but it turned out to be a fantastic day and by the end of the day you would not have known that it had been a blazing snowstorm 2 days earlier.
Treasure hunt in the garden and hot dogs on the barbie, this is a tradition to keep, and so thought our guests too!