Monday 30 April 2012

Walpurgis Eve

I love this bank holiday! Time to put all the winter gear away - spring is finally here.
Last year we didnt make it to the bonfire (it was peeing down) but this year the weather was perfect. There are two fires near by and I thought we'll go to the early one (and a bit more child friendly I think) and they were the only one who was offering hot dogs :-)

However, we did arrive an hour too early (I must have missred the poster and the by the time we got to the bonfire the hot dogs were finished) and were one of the last families to leave - so yes I think you could call it an successful eve.

Welcome Spring!

 Mina is having a rest after tipspromenaden
 The fire source were the torches were lit from
now we are ready to join the brigade and light the big bonfire
cant do without some traditional swedish folk musik
 lighting the bonfire
I think Paul is growing to like this holiday too ;-)
 and Eliza slept through the whole evening.

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