Tuesday 1 May 2012

May day - the perfect bank holiday

We couldn't have had a better bank holiday if we'd asked for it, almost like summer :-)

 Eliza is showing of her back muscles (thinks she can get higher than mummy)
 Chinny in Minas old Monsoon outfit - we did it again, left it too late this is no 6 month outfit..... we're hoping baby cousin is a girl so that someone can get a use out of such a pretty outfit.
 Off to the village for an ice cream - a tradition we must keep for sure!

 Elizas firt nappy change in the open (well apart from in the boot of the car)
Mina is having a Hot dog BBQ with Ida and Ella
Dinner time outside!
 and finally family dinner...
How I love my redneck family!

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