Thursday 3 May 2012

Last course day

I have been telling Paul for weeks that its only a few times left until the course finishes (so it doesnt effect his workday any longer) but when I arrived this afternoon, (and up until mid day I didnt know if I was gonna make it as our car is of the road but thanks to our lovely neighbor who lent me their car I made it, and I wasnt the last person in, woho) it was a complete shock to me it was the last time!

It hit me when our teacher asked what the arrangement on the floor was all about and one of the guys told her it was a present from all of us....(this must have been something they decided on the 'quiet day' which I could not attend due to my mother in law visit. I used to be really pissed off about not being able to do the quiet day day with the rest of my group but now I am quite pleased, it will give me another goal to work towards in the summer as I am attending another session at the end of June.

But how am I goona be disciplined and do all my exercises now that I dont have a course to attend every week!?

Maybe this will help me staying focused

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