Wednesday 9 May 2012

Massage swap

Time to dust off the old massage table. Today my brothers girlfriend was here for a massage and it worked out a treat for everyone ;-)
Eliza went down for a long nap shortly after Emelie arrived and she got her 1 hr massage. Then she helped me with Eliza while I made lunch and even picked Mina up from nursery. So everyone was a winner (except Paul who had to work on the car again before taking it to the garage).

It worked out so well that we will try and fit in more sessions, I could really do with some extra help and Emilie is in need of more massage. Awesome!

Soon off to yoga, the last time this term ; -) I really hope they continue with this type of yoga at Ulvön this summer. However drumming is fun too, whichever they decide to do I will be there.

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