Tuesday 8 May 2012

Still no car

A real mission getting going this morning. I had set the alarm to get us to the bus stop (100 meters from our door) on time and if we missed that one there was another one 15 min later - we didnt make it....so we had to walk to nursery. 
As a knock on effect I missed my train and had to hang around in the village for 1 hr and lost 2 of Elizas dummies in the meantime (had to buy some more and 'sterilize' them in a hot cup of water from the espresso machine at Mitt i Prick (Sunes).
Then my train was delayed 20 min and I had a meeting to pick up my insoles - yes it has come to that, this second pregnancy has broken me completely, no more high heels and sexy shoes. But I refuse to buy the special soft-walk shoes that they sell in the shop. Its me and the old people who visits this shop, for gods sake - it really brings me down. 

Afterwards me and Eliza had a lovely fika at Leilas cafe. 
I had so many errands I had planed to do and all we had time for was a fika. When you have to rely on public transport and having to pick up a second child within 5 hours there isnt time for any slip ups. 

Elizas first fika! 

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