Sunday 13 May 2012

Grötån - Anders 70s

Lovely Sunday morning, its been raining for 3 days so we are really enjoying every bit of the sunshine. Later we're off to celebrate Anders 70s, or Morfar Anders as we call him (one of my best friends dad, we spend all our spare time in the summer in and around their house so we kind of feel like we're part of the family) and no change there..... naturally we make ourselves at home and are the last to leave 7 hours later (together with with Camilla and Andreas, and Sally of course). 

 A lovely spring picture of a flying baby and our beautiful hedge.
 How Mina loves trampolining....
and a family pic
 and some more fun.... 
  everybody look to the left.
Sally got a second wind after having a nap and Mina was delighted there was time to play with the Barbie dolls

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