Thursday 22 July 2010

One year on

I have definitely chilled out A LOT. However, will I ever stop being a crazy mum, probably not. As we are now living in Sweden (coming up to 1 year in Aug) we can afford to have Mina at nursery for a mere 140 swe kr per month. This will go up now when I have a proper job to a maximum of 1200 kr!!! That is still a ridiculous small amount of money compared to english prices of 500 kr per day!
But of course its not easy being a mum, there are alway new challenges. We are now facing potty training and that has been a rocky ride (been at it for months). Today we even ended up in the hospital checking to see if she had urinary infection (not all without reason, we had been told there were many trips to the toilet at nursery and once they even thought they had spotted blood). What is a poor little girl to do - it felt horrible getting her to leave a sample (she didnt want to go on the big toilet, especially not on command) at the hospital after she had been such a big girl and had been dry all day. Ahhh how I wish we could have spent the evening at home celebrating this success, instead we spent most evening in A&E waiting for a urine sample test to come back.
The test came back and we were checked out - thankfully the result was negative but I'm keeping a close eye just in case. Thats what crazy mums do.

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