Thursday 5 August 2010

Food fighting

When did I last sit down and finish my meal with no interruptions (apart from sitting down for dinner after 9pm)?
When M was little she used to eat everything we ate, but now every mealtime is a fight. After spending the weekend at the summerhouse and Ms first sleep-over at Mormor and Morfar I feel I have to give up. It fills my heart with sorrow to stock up the fridge with 'children friendly' crap food. It goes against my principles but I suppose we need some sanity in this house.
The fights cant go on! So the fridge is full of food I know she will eat. That includes fish fingers, meatballs (mamma scan of course) and korv to mention a few 'healthy' meals . I suppose the food they eat at nursery is not home cocked and therefore the pallet of our children change thereafter.

I have many great children's cookbooks but when are you gonna find the time to cook all these extra meals!?
Today is a great example.
We come home at about 5 pm, she is both hungry and tired but she doesn't want to eat real food. So we argue for a while until she sits down with a ball of cereal.
So, during her cereal feast I try to sort out all other house tasks such as the washing up, but only gets half way when I have to run off for a potty run.

Anyway, I just wanted to say its not easy being a good mum all the time. Once I've got the house in order after our mini vacation (and that will take most of the weekend, I can assure you) I will do what I used to do when M was very little, I will stay up all night batch cooking. I make really good meatballs and fish fingers I can do too but as for the black pudding...NO.

And not before then, will I feel like a good mother again.

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