Friday 13 August 2010

Stocking up for the weekend

It is Friday lunch time and I have an errand to the shops when I suddenly remembered that it's Friday - That means Fredagsmys as we Swedes like to call it (cosy Friday). This tradition seems to be holy in this country where hardly anyone over 25 does anything but snuggle up at home with a bottle of wine and OLW crisps (or fresh prawns when the price isn't rocketing thanks to the norwegians).
The state controlled Systembolaget (off license) have stricked opening hours but have in later years expanded their opening hours and allows us to drink even on a Sturday - you have until 2pm.
I was however pleased I remembered to pay them a visit so I could surprise Paul with a nice bottle of wine, and that is exactly what I did - a nice looking bottle of wine.

I usually dont buy wine by the design on the label but....I saw
and thought of quality.
Paul saw...
and got fag cravings....
At least I was in right section 'new world' white, who know what I would have picked up otherwise, horrible German table wine maybe? I was under a spell and mesmerized by the change. It was so stylished and modern....
I remembered when all bottles were in display cabinets. You politely tock a ticket, waited in line (for up to an hour if it was a friday) to be served by a lady who asked you for an 8 digit number out of an catalogue. She would then disappear back into the stock room to go and get your order.

It so turned out that our local Offie, is one of the most successful shops in the country (again the norwegian has somtehing to do with this too) and therefor turned into the most stylished and modern of them all. I must admit I was a little busy taking it all in, sharing with friends this new discovery so I am not sure how good this bottle of wine really is but at least we can cuddle up on the sofa and join the rest of the swedish population.

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