Saturday 18 September 2010

Day out on the town

Today didn't quite turn out the way I had planned.
In my head, me and Mina were gonna shoot of early to the library, borrow some new books, download a film and hung out but by the time we got out, had dropped Paul off at my office to fix the Volvo, half the day had gone.

My new found, the second hand store Lady gala (which I had been longing to check out all week) shut early, before 2pm. I had time for just a quick tease. Now I have to wait all weekend and who knows if I get the time to run down in my lunch break during the week. Grrr.
The library shut at 2pm - rush in, grab a couple of books and get chucked out!
Then we did spend some lovely time in the playground in the warm autumn sun reading the new books before playing hide and seek.
Fika at Leja's cafe - No green tea with out any fruit, No read tea without fruit, so a glass of milk for Mina and a bottle of elder-flowered flavored sparkling water for me. This detox thing is starting to drive me crazy!!!
Quite a cool cafe just a shame there is no pulse.
What´s wrong with this town!
Half the places shut at 2pm and the rest by 4 on a SATURDAY. I suppose the shop nearest to Kampenhof (the bus terminal might stay open to five, WoHo....).

And so is the old volvo! I cant wait to get rid of it, stolen blikers, snapped handbrake cable and a broken horn, just a few things that needs to be sorted before we can put it up for sale.
And not to talk about the other one, who is just waiting to be picked up and taken to the scrap yard. I received the new registration documents last week so hopefully we can get rid of it next week.

The Uddevalla romance is long gone and I think I am suffering from a summer come down and junk abstinence.
No refined food for 6 days. No snacking, no fruit, caffeine, no fast food or sugar of any kind. Best I´ve done in a long time - its been hard.

I cant take it no more, I need some stimulant!
A bar of 70% fair trade chocolate saved the evening.

However we're gonna stick to the none refined diet and I'll do another detox of 2 weeks in the beginning of October and then I'll do it for 2 weeks (I will prepare a bit better next time, both mentally and stocking up the cupboard with better ingredients).

Tomorrow its election day and I have almost decided what party I´m gonna vote for, at least I am certain of what side.
But I have a few more questions to get answered before I tick my boxes.
Last nights debate was insightful, even tho it was a bit difficult to follow as Mina refused to go to bed.
I like to know my stuff, otherwise what´s the point to vote if you don´t know what you are voting for. Last time I voted I was 18 years old - a lot have happened and a lot has changed for me personally and in politics. But one thing is sure, living in a different country and have been part of a different culture for such a long time has definitely left its marks.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the detox! I've been baking lots of biscuits recently, ending up eating them all as well. Ouch. Seem to have a constant sugar craving. Coming to Sweden next week so will need to try to curb my sugar and salt intake! X
