Monday 13 September 2010

Detox week

Day 1

Today is the first day of my detox week, and I have not been very organized.
I am no beginner. Back in my holistic days I used to do this on regular basis. Everything from full moon fasts to Ayurvedic 50 day detox. But now its so much harder.

For one, I don't seam to have the self control I used to have and secondly its impossible to be selfish when you have a family. What you need these days is preparation and planning.
However this type of detox I am doing is quite humane and shouldn't be too hard to follow but the start wasn't too good.

Before I got to work this morning I rushed into the supermarket to pick up some yoghurt and a grapefruit for my breakfast. Ate it during the Monday meeting, then for lunch I picked up a vegetarian salad from Cactus that i wolfed down cos my lunch break was somewhat a little late (I was both hungry and stressed). Only had a handful of nuts for snack.
And when it came to dinner-time Mina had decided not to go to bed so I dint get to sit down until 8.30pm, and then in front of 24.

So to summerize my first day, I did stick to smaller portions (apart from dinner, but it was a healthy lentil salad so not too bad). I didn't snack (apart from nuts), I didn't have any fruit. But I did eat while working, watching telly and didn't slow down before, during or after eating.

So on a scale from 1-5 I'll give myself a 2.
Lets see if I can do any better tomorrow.

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