Sunday 17 May 2009

You know you're a mad mum when...

you get excited over cleaning the bathroom. I don't know what excite me the most - having friends over or actually preparing for having friends over. I cant find the time between all the cooking, washing and tidying so I invite people over, then I have to do it, it sort of gives me an excuse to give the house a proper going over. Luckily for my family, I invite people on regular basis (my husband is not so amused when getting told last minute that he has to cook up a feast for all the friends I have invited over to celebrate one of my many Swedish traditions and more).
However, our house now sparkling clean after having two lots of gatherings this Saturday (spontaneous catch up with friends from Brighton and the unmissable cheesy Eorovision song contest).

Friday 15 May 2009

My new best friend - just wet and wipe

I am completely in love with Duzzit, the sponge eraser. I've long been hooked on on the firbre clothes and always include them when giving gifts, new baby, new house, getting married you name it. You always want more fun-time and spend less time with your rubber glowes.....
I came back from a friends house earlier this evening, helping her to move into a 6 bedroom house in the country and she is so efficient when it comes to moving, she will have that house in order in a few days. Wathcing her wizzing around with a sponge and duster (I was mainly there to look after her son, having my own daughter with me as well) I got a real urge to clean my own house?!. I bought the sponge a while ago but havent found the time...well I will be including these in my gift packs from now on - absolutely amazing results, maybe not as environmently friendly as I first thought after reading the directions for use, but it is a stain remover after all.

Thursday 14 May 2009

I dont know what to do with myself

I didn't get the job....of course it upsets me but at least I KNOW after weeks of being in the 'reserve bank' - suppose employers can do what they want these days when people are so desperate for work. I don't know how I'm gonna afford to keep my girl at nursery (and its only 1day per week), I have lost all means of income, and all in the last month. Its ridiculous how expensive it is to have your child at nursery - what I used to pay for 2 days / week is the equivalent of what my Swedish friends pay for a full-time placement per month!!
Well, what shall I do? Whenever I have a day when I can be productive (when Mina is at nursery that is) I run around like a headless chicken. Starting new tasks, trying to tie up on going projects, cleaning the house etc etc.
So what will I achieve today? and where should I start? Looking for work, rewriting my CV, clean the house, do the weekly shop, continue with my online training course, homework for my evening course, advertise my business to the local community, paying the bills.......or should I have a rest?

Saturday 2 May 2009

Staying clear of the news

My biggest downside of motherhood is my hyper sensitivity. The news of this little 2 year old girl who was raped has just made me turn off the radio (which is on constantly in my house) because I just cant cope with it, its sooo awful, there's just no words.