Thursday 14 May 2009

I dont know what to do with myself

I didn't get the job....of course it upsets me but at least I KNOW after weeks of being in the 'reserve bank' - suppose employers can do what they want these days when people are so desperate for work. I don't know how I'm gonna afford to keep my girl at nursery (and its only 1day per week), I have lost all means of income, and all in the last month. Its ridiculous how expensive it is to have your child at nursery - what I used to pay for 2 days / week is the equivalent of what my Swedish friends pay for a full-time placement per month!!
Well, what shall I do? Whenever I have a day when I can be productive (when Mina is at nursery that is) I run around like a headless chicken. Starting new tasks, trying to tie up on going projects, cleaning the house etc etc.
So what will I achieve today? and where should I start? Looking for work, rewriting my CV, clean the house, do the weekly shop, continue with my online training course, homework for my evening course, advertise my business to the local community, paying the bills.......or should I have a rest?

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