Sunday 1 January 2012

1st day of 2012

As of most people I also intend to start this year with some improvements to my life. They tend to be the same every year. Eat more healthily, exercise more, be more charitable, be a better wife, spend more quality time with the children, stay in touch with friends and so on....

New on the list for this year is something I am doing for myself - having less expectations on my self, try to fulfill one task per day rather than constantly starting new projects. This blog is one of my many ongoing projects for example, started back in 2008 and not much has happened since. But I am gonna make it my mission to keep this blog alive - my promise to myself for 2012.

As I am slowly adjusting to being a mother of two, which is a whole other story than just having the one - We’re a proper family now, as my husband keeps reminding me (before we were just a couple with a child) I am juggling piles of washing (its slowly coming back to me, the never ending, growing, stained mountains of baby clothes.) Thank god we have a washing machine in the house and dont have to go down to the basement from the 8th floor every time you need to do a load. And what if there is no wash slot!! I would be even crazier than I already am.

After all my loads of washing I did finally managed to have my smoothy that I have thought after all day but not managed to squeeze in in between nappy changes and feeds.

I did also however, with some help from my husband managed to get both children clean, one in the shower and the other one in the kitchen sink.

Here is the recepie of a really refreshing smoothie. Think it would work really well with milk too, must try that next time.

Avocado smoothie





Natural yoghurt


Ps. Remembered today why I have so many different types of bibs, everything from tiny ‘chin support’ to full bodysuit. Well if you have a pukey baby, now is the time for the

pull-over-the-head-elasticated-towel-bib. Comes in handy both when feeding and after dinner when it all comes back up again.

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