Tuesday 24 January 2012

The sock stays on

* Woho! Upstairs bathroom is finished - shower in a mould free, clean wet room, stepping out in to a sparkling white bathroom. No more yellow - Nice!

* 8 am is no time getting up when getting 2 kids ready for at 9 am. Eliza would have non of it. Screaming the house down Paul ended up taking Mina to nursery.

* My pressures shopping time is slipping away when I sit down for a Charlotte-style-breakfast, reads the paper and change boots. Putting on more makeup, another feed and dig out an old coat that needs tidying up before getting out of the door.

* Pinched the last place in the Yoga and Mindfulness course starting on february 1st - less than 100 kr / session. Not bad!

* Updated podcast library - now I'm gonna stay on top of news and popular culture.

* F1 Pitstop at Överby shopping centre to see if I can find new slippers for hubby. No time to look for baby hat or use my vouchers at the Maxs restaurant - ended up eating no lunch today.

* The support sock will have to be part of my outfit for a bit longer - a year to be exact. Now the investigation starts.....

* Very hungry baby - long sleeps in the day is never good, it will come back and bite you in the arse at night. No 'Person of interest' and popcorn tonight either.

Knackered end of day picture

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