Saturday 7 January 2012

Bye bye Christmas

Its been a tough couple of days.

On thursday me and the girls went to see a friend in Gothenburg. This play date had been planed since before xmas but during the holiday we’d all been having colds and thought we’d better leave it to a later date. I was a little bit unsure of the way and as I am notoriously bad for not being able to read a map this got me in a bit of a knot. Google maps are great but doesnt always give you the best directions and I did not fancy getting lost. My other worry was that Eliza was sitting in the back seat (with a journey time of 1 hr and not being able to see to her or hear her as Mina demanded to listen to the Gummi Bears on full blast.

In the end I ignored the google suggestion and called my friend for a different route - which was much better! Thank God I didnt need to worry about the directions any more.

Eliza slept and slept and slept which did give us loads of time to catch up, eat lunch and have fika (yes my healthy diet is a vague memory).

Eliza slept a little more on the way home and then....of course was up all night.

She didnt settle the following day either and there was a lot of crying and interrupted sleep. Friday is a bit of a blur actually. My memory is like a sieve!

Today Mina is having her first local play date! A work colleague / friend is coming over with her son who is three. After locking to cats in and sitting in mummys lap for a long time he finally came around and they played brilliantly all afternoon. I dont know what they enjoyed most playing with Barbie or trashing the gingerbread house....

Felt so nice taking down the Christmas decoration (not that we had much this year). The big tree had hardly shredded a single pine needle not even when being pulled through the back door and it had not had any water all xmas!!! We are definitely getting that kind of tree next year. Mina’s tree however, a standard pine tree, which we got under much nicer circumstances at the yearly Christmas tree party at Grötån did not have any needles left after being put into a black bin liner to save the house from being covered in pine needles. We then finished it all off with letting off a few fire works we had left from New Years Eve. Christmas going out with a bang, a new tradition!

Christmas tree party at Grötån

Ps. Creating your own CDs for various road trips is great however make sure you have a selection of them....We’ve put together a couple of CD with the theme tunes of Mina’s favorite TV shows and she is so sweet when she is singing on the top of her voice in the back seat.

If you havnt got the latest car model and do not have control of the front and rear speakers its advisable to invest in a set of portable speakers that you can plug in to the stereo or iphone. This is to stop you going crazy when they just want to listen to the same song over and over again. And so that you and your partner can have a conversation without having to shout to each other.

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