Thursday 12 January 2012

Healthy mornings

I am desperately trying to get into a healthy eating regime, my sweet tooth has still got the power over me. I am not on a diet or anything and it's not the end of the world right now as I am still breast feeding but I would like to have my eating habits under control for when I stop, and for Elizas sake. I think 6 months of solid feeding should be plenty for both of us. She has really put on weight now, there is no trace of her ever having a weight problem in the past. I wonder if she has the same withdrawal symptoms as I do....I had no sweets or biscuits yesterday, not even a small piece of dark chocolate!!

A good start to the day - full of fiber and fruit with no added sugar ;-)
served with homemade whole grain teacakes

1/2 banana
1 blood orange
fiber oats

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