Friday 13 January 2012

Friday the 13

WHY WHY WHY can I never leave on time! Its making me so angry and in these situations I feel like to whole world is against me (well it is friday 13), we were lucky that the health visitor called and rescheduled Eliza's appointment for this afternoon, now we could go to the children's centre without stressing too much.

Mina's new boots
Eliza is wearing her new outfit she got from her cousins - and the old car seat came in handy after the cats had marked their territory in the other one. Grrrr

But the day is never that simple. I realized my medicine is finished and the weekend is up on us - what to do! After speaking to the hospital I checked with the chemist to see if I had any more prescriptions in my name butI didnt. I'm in trouble!
Of course I forgot to call back (baby / breastfeeding brain lets you forget EVERYTHING, so annoying). Thankfully my nice health visitor managed to help me out.

Finally at the children's centre.

It wasn't a good day for us today. Mina fell from a staple of chairs and wanted to go home and never come back...I do hope she change her mind - otherwise what are we gonna do on Mondays and Fridays??

Eliza had her first nap in her cot today, which was well overdue. No more carrying the push chair up and down the stairs (or getting the old one out for having one upstairs).

Got some really good advice as usual when we met up with the health visitor and she is even booking me in to a mindfullness course after I moan about how hard I find motherhood every time we meet.

Back at the chemist, again. This time to exchange the very expensive organic moisturizer I bought where the pump mechanism doesn't work.

Good for everyone in the family

Ps. My solution to worrying about if the baby is gonna ride down under the duvet is the very cute and useful sleeping pod. Placing the baby with its feet near the end of the cot is another safety proaction.
Another good piece of advice I got from my health visitor was that sometimes when the baby cry, hear it out for a little while before picking it up and try to comfort it. It might only express tiredness and it needs a little while to seattle. Of course if it escalates pick him/her up.

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