Monday 23 January 2012

New approach

Not maintaining the amount of post I had hoped for, I think I need to find a different angle....
Here is a new approach to motherhood in the first few months and beyond.

* Missed children's centre - why does all the activities take place before lunch!!

*Cant live without Vanish - 2 times I have used it already and its not even lunchtime. I dont want to know what's in it but it does what it says on the tin.

* Finally snow - Mina is sledging on the drive while I do the car windows in glories sunshine.

* Quick check to see if neighbor fancy doing the sledge slope before banishing the idea and drive into town instead.

* Combining shopping and work at Deval - got a good winter hat for Mina and a free notebook for me (and some give away catalogues).

* Health is still high on the agenda. Not managed to stay clear of the sweets but regular smoothies, home made muesli and cucumber eye masks should make up for it.

* Gymnastic - Minas first lessen by her self, she'll be fine!

* The day of the tulip was last sunday but I continue on the theme - fresh flowers in the hall, could it be more inviting?

End of the day picture

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