Monday 9 January 2012

An active day

Start afresh again...lets see how long I can go this week without eating any sweets or biscuits. I am not doing too well on the new healthy eating front but hey its ok as long as I am breast feeding, I am getting thinner and Eliza is getting bigger. Who would have thought that she wasnt getting enough milk (because I produced so much milk and my breast were about to explode there were little or no nipple at all to latch on to). You dont think producing too much milk is gonna give you such grief (I will elaborate more on this topic in another post when I am not falling asleep while typing).

Today the children's centre opened for the first time since it shut down for Christmas holiday - it was packed with overexcited kids.We all had a really nice time. Enjoying home baked bread for Fika and catching up with old school friends. Mina found a friend from her nursery group and Eliza spent most of the time in her car seat asleep.
In the evening it was time for Mina to try out the local gymnastic organization. They gave a 2 week trail period. It was kind of a football session for the very young and I think we were equally disappointed. However, Mina cheered up when I told her that we should get her a new pair of trainers. What was I thinking - turning up to a football sessions with no shoes!!!

Now when both kids are asleep I am really looking forward to sit down with my husband and a big bowl of popcorn and watch the latest episode of Sherlock. It is just brilliant!

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