Sunday 8 January 2012

Bit by bit and its taking its time

Its not easy getting a job finished in this house of chaos. I am really looking forward to the end of this festive season and finding a routine. It might take a few months before Eliza finds hers but at least nursery is opening again this week. Do I sound like a bad mum now? The truth is I need to get some me-time where I can organize all the paperwork and finnish the unpacking. I havent even register the birth of Eliza yet. So far she is only a number and is former known as an Aston living at our address.

I cant say I know what day of the week it is but it just feels like every day is like sunday (think I might listen to some Morrissey)

To day it took me all day to finish cutting and filing my nails. The other day I finished cleaning the upstairs toilet - it had only taken a week! It usually takes me about an hour to do a bathroom (because I am such a cleaning freak - I either do it to perfection or not at all) and one can say that I have stopped being so bloody anal about cleaning now. Hurrah for cleaning wipes! Maybe not the most eco friendly option but it gets the job done and makes it a lot easier, especially when you can only spare a few minutes here and there.

Its amazing tho how I manage to fit cocking in to the day. Now, I'm not talking about lunch and dinner. That I am blessed to have my husband doing for us (me and Mina cook our own lunches occasionally and Elizas dinner is on tap so I dont have to worry about her just yet). No I refer to the healthy smoothies and nice baking ;-)

Now I am going to enjoy a slice of my newly baked bread and maybe even read a few pages in 'How to survive the first year of motherhood' by Vicky Lovine.

Ps. Lidl sells desposable cleaning wipes really cheap and in a decent size package too.

Here is a great recipe I found on the back of a flour package - very quick n easy!

Tea cakes for breakfast.

Bake in owen for 6-8 min on 225°C

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