Tuesday 10 January 2012

5 am madness

Now its all coming back to me. I do recall having a mad moment of getting up at crack of dawn when Mina was born. The whole sleep-when-the-baby-sleep business is still something that I am struggling with. I just cant let go of the things I know needs doing (sometimes even right in front of me, like a big pile of washing). Going to bed and having all these chores starring me in the face when I wake up. No, I cant deal with that. There might not be another opportunity to do these tasks for ages...its not like you can program the baby, yet.
So here I am writing when I should really be sleeping.

Well I might as well go downstairs and make sure Mina's outdoor clothes are dry for tomorrow, no I mean today. Think they'll have a much better chance of drying in the living room under the hot air pump then in a cold bathroom.

Ps. Who needs a smartphone more than a mum? I have just been feeding and comforting for two hours and even tho I would love an ipad - single handed devices that can easily be maneuvered to avoid being puked at or browsing the net only using the thumb when rocking the push chair are priceless. Not only can you go over the next days agenda one more time (the baby brain hasnt quite recovered yet, if it ever will, so its best to write EVERYTHING down before you forget it). The smartphone is also your best friend and babysitter for your young children. With both fun games and educational apps do you no longer need to avoid certain shelfs or drag the shopping trolly backwards when you do the weekly shop to make sure that your older darling dont spot something they want. And maybe they'll even be cooperative and nice and let you glance at your shopping list from time to time.

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